Álvaro Perea Covarrubias 

Información general





Información de Contacto

Álvaro Perea Covarrubias
Profesor Colaborador
e-mail: aperea@dfmf.uned.es
Tel.: (+34) 91 398 7219 / 7138 (Lab.)
Fax: (+34) 91 398 7628
Office 209-B, Facultad de Ciencias
 Nmero de visitas: 

Short vita and research interests:

Born in Madrid, in 1969.
Graduated in Physics (BSc/MSc) from the "Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)" in the field of Theoretical Physics in 1996.
PhD. in Aerosol Physics from "Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, UNED" in June 2004 with the Dissertation: "Transport phenomena and particle accumulation in gases. Evaluation of the influence of radiative fields and others", under the advice of Prof. Castillo and Prof. Garcia-Ybarra. I am grateful my work in collaboration with them continues.

Nowadays I am inmersed in promoting the internationalization of my activities. I keep working in Aerosol Dynamics field, with recent results on photophoresis and thermophoresis of porous particles, and some work in progress, as the characterization of particle deposits with electrospraying.

I am the Physics Erasmus Coordinator in UNED since 2006. My main task is to design an effective mobility programme in our university of learning distance, taking into account the specific role of the UNED Network of Partened Centres through all Spain. My compromise is to publicize an initial proposal of Eramus mobility no more late than Winter 2007, with an especific part dedicated to doctorate student exchange in Aerosol Physics.

Moreover, in view of the near launching of the Master in Medical Physics in UNED (academic year 2008/09), part of my administrative work consists in the establishing of permanent contacts with research groups in the area of Biomedical Engineering-Medical Physics, through student exchange programmes or the making of international seminars and courses. My main interest in this field concerns the physical and mathematical modelling in digital imaging analysis, especially in medical imaging. We are currently developing some improvements in optical flow techniques to caracterize the induced thermally capillarity flow in a bounded heated fluid, in connection to the our research in combustion of liquid fuels.

Detailed information about my research and professional experience

My main research activity is in the field of aerosol physics

Transport properties of particles and vapours in gas streams.

Thermophoresis and Photophoresis of particle aggregates, porous particles,..

Nucleation, condensation and deposition processes

Surface growth by Electrospraying process

Population dynamics

Aggregation of fractal-like aggregates. Coagulation induced by external fields

and in the field of digital imaging (in medical physics)

Physical modelling of corporal fluids and tissues

Mathematical modelling: optical flow techniques, deformation models, snakes, levelsets

Información detallada de mi experiencia profesional

Más información (en castellano)